Logistics/Exploring Space - Week 1 @ Winkhill Mill - 2.2.18
Week 1 - Logistics / Space
2. 2 .18
2. 2 .18
The time spent at the Mill during our first week has been spent familiarising ourselves with the dynamic of the factory. Visual recordings have been important for me in terms of thinking about how I will translate the aesthetics of the place and my physical experience of it into my artwork.
We were introduced to the current workers in the tile factory and the type of tiles they make and reproduce. This proved interesting as we got to see an honesty from the workers - a humbleness and sense of pride in what they do. In my 'logistics' post on the public blog I note , "Work produced for the exhibition is starting to be shaped by conversation. Extensive discourse around the logistics of gathering (documentary) material led us to having in depth discussion around the preciousness of business and process." Conversations with Danny and the workers has so far been paramount to the way we have operate in the space. It will be important to somehow reflect this essential part of our residency findings in the final exhibition.
There's something about collections of items in the place that seems important to investigate - the place seems to be overwhelmed by historical material that appears invaluable at face value. However after further discussion I found that these things have deeply personal, individual stories which connect them to the people who work in the space; as well as holding a connection to the place itself.
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